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Skin Disease Classifier

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Results are not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Predicted Disease

    SIH 2023 PPT

    How it Works

    Image Input

    A high-resolution image capturing the entirety of the affected skin region is uploaded and then transmitted to the backend for further processing.

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    Image Processing

    The image is subsequently processed to ensure compatibility with the MobileNet V2 model.

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    Image Classification

    Then the image is fed into the model, which then predicts top three most likely skin conditions from a list that includes actinic keratosis (AK), basal cell carcinoma (BCC), benign keratosis (BK), dermatofibroma (DF), melanocytic nevi (NV), melanoma (MEL), and vascular skin lesions (VASC).

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    Results Display

    After the MobileNet V2 model generates predictions, they are transmitted from the backend and presented to the end user on the frontend.

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    Technologies Used

    This project leverages Python, Keras, TensorFlow, scikit-learn, HTML5, CSS, JS, and Bootstrap, hosted on GitHub, to create a dynamic and interactive website.

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